The 6 Steps to Successfully Create Loyal Customers with Personalization

Personalization for user lifecycle

As you know, acquiring new customers is more expensive than keeping your current ones. More than ever, customers are canceling their TV subscriptions; it’s now crucial to keep your users happy and returning to your service. Personalized experiences are a great way to help you create loyal customers and not just in the later stages of their journey, but personalization can have a positive impact on every step in the customer lifecycle.

Here are our top tips to help you improve your customer’s experience with personalization throughout their journey.

Step 1: Acquire

Knowing who and how to speak to your ideal customers helps you to spend less money on marketing your platform to them. You can easily utilize the data from your platform and existing users to understand which content is attracting which persona, so you can promote the right content to the right people in order to entice them to your service.

Step 2: Trial

You have people’s full attention… for a limited time. This is a crucial part where you have to prove your impact and the best way to do that is to ensure that your new consumers are aware of what content you have that they will love. Ensure you grab their attention at the right time, with the right message and the right content. A study found using push notifications to newly acquired users during the first week after they’ve installed an app can increase retention by 71% over two months.

Step 3: Subscription

Now you have their full commitment, it’s necessary that you create a unique experience for your new user. They need to find the content that they’re interested in watching the most and this needs to happen quickly. Don’t be limited to just one row of personalized content, you should be re-ordering every shelf based on their mood, interests, profile and more. You can even bring personalization together with your editorial services – combining AI automation with human curation delivers highly relevant content to your user with your editorial team in control.

Step 4: Retain

With churn rates skyrocketing, keeping your customers is more of a challenge than ever. In addition to competing with the best content and services, you need to ensure every touchpoint is worthwhile. Email is crucial for communicating with your viewers, but don’t waste it with a generic newsletter; personalize it. 34% of people get frustrated when they’re recommended content that’s irrelevant to them via email. Make sure your audience knows what content you have or is coming soon that they will enjoy.

Step 5: Expand

Get more from your customers through upsells and offers that suit them most. To be able to generate more revenue, services like yours need to have the best upsell packages for their customers. Only offer the most suitable packages to your viewers based on their watching history, profile and interests. You can even make decisions on which content to bundle on the preferences and likes of your customers.

Step 6: Succeed

With personalization done right, your customers are happy and consume more as you have created an environment that your users can return to with ease. Continuously improving your customer’s personalized experiences, such as XroadMedia’s content-aware continue watching, which means that the right episode is always there, no matter what type of series.

These are just a few ways XroadMedia can help you personalize your viewers’ experience throughout their use of your service. The use of features that provide high-level personalization will only be rewarding for your business, such as improving CTR between 80-100% when using personalized playlists. As personalization is now expected, it’s not seen as a nice to have; it’s essential and must be done right to help build trust between your brand and your audience.

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