Our range of tools and services are all available to drive results for your business.Predictive content scores
Every asset within your catalog is given a unique score for each user in real-time based on their watch history and profile.
dynamic ui and personalization
We automatically create, titles and organize rows of content for each of your users. Creating a unique experience for all viewers.
Full-Page Personalization
We can personalize sections or entire pages of your service with a single API call. This means your service is always aligned with your business priorities and the moods and interests of your users.
Personalized notifications
Drive visits without annoyance with 100% personalized marketing. Only notify your subscribers about the content they will truly enjoy.
Convert Trial Users
We offer the fastest personalization in the industry. User interests are identified instantly, which allows you to provide accurate personalization to users even in the shortest of trial periods.
Full Control with A/B testing
Every rail or position we deliver can be fully A/B tested and changed without writing any code. Your content team can continuously test what works best for your audience.
Metadata Alignment and Enrichment
We work with any metadata format, no proprietary format, so you can add content easily whenever it comes. We enrich your metadata to help drive the most accurate personalization.
Multi-Catalog Search and Aggregation
Personalize your intelligent search experience across any content source, rank results based on their Predictive Scores, popular searches and even your business rules.
Local Content, Global Reach
Drive specific content relating to any segment of your choice, provide personalization to users in different regions, languages, different character sets and even from different content sources.
Multi-Platform and Device Integration
Drive consistent recommendations and features across all of your devices. We can integrate into your set-top-boxes, mobile devices, OTT apps and more to harmonize your user experience.
Targeted Advertising
With our deep knowledge of your audience's interests, we can provide you with a list of themes and topics to help advertisers reach your audience and display campaigns that resonate with each of your users.
Personal FAST Channels
Reduce the burden of choice on your viewers by making multiple virtual live channels from your VOD content for each viewer.
Setting you at the centre of your audience’s entertainment experience.
Streaming Services
Convert trial users driving subscriber growth and satisfaction.
Drive value from your on-demand and live content. Grow ad revenues and sign-ups.