Piksel brings global vendors together for new ‘metadata ecosystem’

Piksel and XroadMedia become partners

Bindinc.Metadata, Mediadata TV, Plurimedia and XroadMedia to offer metadata and content recommendations within Piksel’s Fuse Suite of products

York, United Kingdom – Piksel, a global provider of cutting-edge video technology solutions, has today announced the creation of a new ‘metadata ecosystem’ with a range of metadata vendors from across Europe.

The ecosystem will bring together vendors, including the Netherlands’ Bindinc.Metadata, Spain’s Mediadata TV, France’s Plurimedia and Austrian content discovery specialist XroadMedia. It will allow users of Piksel’s flagship Fuse Metadata Manager and Fuse Publisher products to purchase, ingest and manage localized metadata on a per-title basis. This enables the delivery of advanced recommendations and content discovery functionalities to customers.Add paragraph text here.

We’re committed to providing our Fuse customers with the most comprehensive metadata experience on the market, now and in the future,” said Piksel co-managing director Kristan Bullett.This ecosystem brings together some of Europe’s most accomplished metadata providers. Not only will this give our customers access to a wider selection of high-quality data, it provides those vendors behind that data with an entirely new platform from which to offer their services.

Established primarily to aid content editors in the quest to augment and enhance their existing metadata, Piksel’s ecosystem will prove particularly useful for customers dealing with multilingual or cross-territory titles.

Very often, we find that commercial agreements for metadata are put in place without bringing editors and producers into the decision-making process,” continued Bullett. “By supporting editors as they consider how to present title information externally, we can help media and entertainment businesses take a more customer-centric view of that data.

High quality metadata is essential for reaching out to new and existing customers and helping bind them to your TV service or video platform,” said Corry Siegers, Manager of Bindinc.Metadata.We’re excited to be able to bring our metadata and editorial services to a new range of media companies through our partnership with Piksel.

When the ecosystem launches, just after the conclusion of NAB 2018, users will be able to pick and choose metadata from their preferred vendors via drop-down menus within Piksel’s Fuse Suite of products – giving them the ability to select, review, purchase and edit data via a single system. That system will be further enhanced over the coming months with the addition of content recommendation and discovery functionalities provided by XroadMedia.

While I’m delighted to have the support of our existing partners, this is just the start of a much wider programme,” concluded Bullett. “We’re looking forward to welcoming a wide range of additional metadata partners to the ecosystem during 2018.

About Piksel:
Piksel has been building successful online video businesses for over a decade. The company’s unique combination of professional and managed services is underpinned by Piksel’s state-of-the-art video platform, the Piksel Palette. Launched in the second half of 2015, the Piksel Palette™ is the only commercially available video distribution and monetization platform using a Micro-Services Architecture (MSA).
Piksel’s unrivaled expertise is in designing, building and managing online video solutions for the likes of AT&T, Sky, Channel 4, Discovery, Liberty Global, Mediaset and OSN.
Headquartered in York, UK, Piksel offices can be found throughout Europe and the Americas.

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